Originally Published by The Sun
Now that summer has arrived, many people – including children – will enjoy swimming to cool off from the hot California sun in swimming pools, water parks, lakes and the ocean.
However, what many may not know is that there could be a health hazard lurking in the water, and they need to take safety precautions to avoid what could become a serious illness.
Germs and Illnesses
“Recreational water illnesses are infections caused by germs that can survive and/or grow in swimming pools, hot tubs, oceans and lakes — as well as in the water at water parks and splash pads,” noted Dr. Daisy Dodd, an infectious disease specialist with Kaiser Permanente Southern California. “These illnesses are spread by either swallowing, coming into contact with or breathing in aerosolized mists of germ-containing water.”
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, most recreational water illnesses are caused by the water contamination that occurs when someone who is ill and carrying germs enters the water. In other cases, these illnesses are caused when germs that naturally live in water grow to levels that can cause an infection.
The following have been identified as the most common types of recreational water illnesses:
- Diarrheal infections.
- Skin infections, such as “hot tub rash.”
- Swimmer’s ear.
- Respiratory infections caused by breathing in a mist of germs, usually while in a hot tub.
“The most commonly reported recreational water illness is diarrhea — often caused by germs such as E. coli, norovirus and Cryptosporidium,” said Dodd, who practices in Orange County. “When a person with a diarrheal illness enters the water, the entire pool can become contaminated. In turn, swallowing even just a small amount of this contaminated water is enough to result in illness.”
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