Physical Therapy, Fitness & Gymnastics Infection Prevention
Equipment and Facility Cleanliness is of Critical Importance
When patients or clients come to your center for rehabilitative therapy or just to get back into shape, they’re not coming to improve one issue and get sick as a side note. The problem with infectious microbial contamination on surfaces and equipment is that you CAN’T see it. Drips of sweat, nasal discharge or droplets of blood are pretty easy to see and thus clean up. It’s what you can’t see that get’s you and the next person and the next person and the next person.
The Red Bursts in the photos above represent MRSA, Flu, E.Coli, VRE, Pneumonia, Ringworm, Herpes, etc.
As the seasons change, so do the severity of different types of infections. All those who visit your facility bring with them infections they have acquired from numerous other locations. As they use your equipment, free weights, locker rooms, showers and such, they deposit whatever infectious organisms they have upon the surfaces of fixtures, furniture and equipment. They are told verbally and by signs you’ve posted to wipe down the equipment after they use. Most do, many don’t. Even if you clean and disinfect, the first person to touch that surface has recontaminated it.
Sterile Space Infection Defense provides a unique, long-term solution. We provide a terminal disinfection to all high frequency touch points and then apply a very long-term antimicrobial that bonds covalently to all surfaces and materials. It does not smell, stain, discolor or corrode any material. It cannot be washed off like other products once applied.
This reading should be below 80
Invite us in and our Physical Therapy, Fitness & Gymnastics Infection Prevention services can easily show you what you can’t see with your naked eye, the microbial load on your surfaces and equipment. The photo shows a fitness center that we tested and the microbial load was HUGE! The number on the meter should not read above 80.
Protecting People in Your Environment